Monthly Archives: February 2012

Riley Children’s Hospital Donation


There are hundreds of kids that need your help. Kids whose lives on are the line. They are battling fatal illnesses and aren’t able to live the life that you enjoyed as a kid. Please take 1 second of your day to donate $1 to Riley Children’s Hospital.
Our goal is to raise $500 to help save lives.
Imagine if they were your sons or daughters, brothers or sisters, baby cousins or even neighbors.
You would want someone to help
We are not asking for a lot.
Just $1 will help.
One little action can cause a chain reaction.
Please click this link & share it so that you can give a sweet little angel the chance to live.
I think they deserve it 🙂
Thank you all!

They Are There to Help: Admissions Counselors

So, the time has come to begin applying for school. You have a few colleges on your list (see From High School to College) but you just can’t seem to make a decision. You’ve visited them all (which I highly suggest doing), they all seem great, but which one is best for you? How can you possibly decide? I’ll tell you one simple way that students often overlook.

Read the rest of this entry

Super Bowl Weekend

This year I think of the Super Bowl as a superhero movie. The Hero, Peyton Manning, was injured and while he is injured, his arch-nemisis, the Patriots, are going to try and take over Indianapolis! It is now up to the hero’s brother, Eli, to stop the evil Patriots here in Indianapolis!
Or maybe it’s the other way around. The Patriots will make up for what they lost 4 years ago; in fact they have to travel to their enemies land.
Either way, I’m just happy that the Super Bowl is here in my beautiful city! It’s amazing how busy it is and how much closer together it’s bringing people.
Who do you guys hope will win? Patriots or Giants?